CITRA seeks ‘hidden client’ feature.

New way to protect consumer in telecommunications sector

According to informed sources, the Communications and Information Technology Regulatory Authority (CITRA) is preparing to contract with a company specialized in providing “hidden client” service, in preparation for conducting more field monitoring visits to telecommunication companies through this feature, with the aim of ensuring their compliance with the regulations and laws regulating for the sector, reports Al- Rai daily. They explained that CITRA had previously applied this service, but it plans to expand its use and rely on it to a greater extent, especially after the success of the initial experiment launched by the authority last year. The value of the fines it collected from this experiment was close to a quarter of a million dinars.

The submitted reports contributed to correcting many wrong practices. The “hidden client” feature is a new way to protect the consumer in the telecommunications sector, as it conducts field visits in the form of a regular customer and goes through the customer experience to learn about the strengths and weaknesses in performance. He then carries out the evaluation process that he had been trained on previously, and prepares detailed reports regarding his experience and observations on the services provided and the employees’ dealings with customers.

The previous contract involved undercover clients making 30 visits per month to the three telecommunication companies at an equal rate, i.e. about ten visits to each company. The variable that is expected to occur in the new CITRA contract is the doubling of the field visits of these clients to the telecom companies, and to limits that may reach the rate of making a daily visit to each telecom company at least in the first phase of the contract.

This step ensures coverage of all procedures to which real customers are exposed, and the reduction of violating procedures, either contractual or related to the quality of service, and the mechanism for dealing with customer complaints. The undercover customer service is one of the field monitoring tools that CITRA will use more to ensure the continued improvement of the telecommunications companies’ business environment, and achieve high protection of consumers’ rights in this sector.

Source- Arab Times.

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