China turns on the world’s largest floating solar farm

Floating on a lake over a collapsed coal mine ,farm can generate 40 megawatts of electricity. (AFP)
Floating on a lake over a collapsed coal mine ,farm can generate 40 megawatts of electricity.
According to the National Energy Administration, 11% of China’s energy use is renewable. By 2030, China hopes to get that number at least up to 20% as one of its goals in the Paris accord. (AFP)
According to the National Energy Administration, 11% of China’s energy use is renewable. By 2030, China hopes to get that number at least up to 20% as one of its goals in the Paris accord.
Built by the company Sungrow Power Supply, the power plant will produce enough energy to power 15,000 homes. (AFP)
Built by the company Sungrow Power Supply, the power plant will produce enough energy to power 15,000 homes.
The water cools down the solar panels, making them run more efficiently, while the panels themselves don’t take up valuable space on land. (AFP)
The water cools down the solar panels, making them run more efficiently, while the panels themselves don’t take up valuable space on land.
China’s air pollution is causing an estimate of 1.1 million deaths every year and one of the major reasons for this are the emissions from power plants, factories and automobiles. According to the report, China plans to close down polluting factories and thermal power plants which use coal as fuel.  (AFP)
China’s air pollution is causing an estimate of 1.1 million deaths every year and one of the major reasons for this are the emissions from power plants, factories and automobiles. According to the report, China plans to close down polluting factories and thermal power plants which use coal as fuel.
View of world's largest floating solar power plant in a lake in Huainan. (AFP)
View of world’s largest floating solar power plant in a lake in Huainan.
Workers working at the world's largest floating solar power plant in a lake in Huainan, in China's central Anhui province. TChina is now the home to the world’s largest floating solar power plant. According to, the power plant is now operational in Eastern China’s Huainan city in the Anhui province.  (AFP)
Workers working at the world’s largest floating solar power plant in a lake in Huainan, in China’s central Anhui province. TChina is now the home to the world’s largest floating solar power plant. According to, the power plant is now operational in Eastern China’s Huainan city in the Anhui province

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