All eyes set on delisting 32 banned countries.

All attention will be focused on a government meeting which is to be held on 10th Sep (Thu) to review a list of 32 banned countries. There is a possible tendency to remove a number of countries from the list within the framework of a gradual plan to return to normalcy based on health conditions in those countries. Minister of Health Dr. Basel Al Sabah will present a detailed health report on latest developments related to the pandemic.

The sources stated that the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Interior and Directorate General of Civil Aviation will come up with a general agreement to exclude some countries at first stage as per the periodic review and health conditions in each country with the lowest infection rate will be allowed.

After careful evaluation each country will be removed from the ban list allowing opening of airspace to those countries. This will take place within the framework as planned in the first phase to operate commercial flights with not more than 100 flights per day with operations with not more than 30% and passengers not more than 10,000 per day.

As per the official statistics in August 632 flights departed carrying 76,237 passengers, and 541 flights arrived with 28,205 passengers on board reports Al Rai. In the first 8 days of September, 167 flights departed with 14,295 passengers on board, while 168 flights with 9,808 passengers on board.

Source- Arab Times.

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